Saturday, September 02, 2006

Good times

I just got back from an afternoon and evening with a group of friends I haven't seen in one place at one time since 1993. Some of them followed me into Highschool, but most fell out of contact. We were to meet at Kevin's house first, then move on to other things. I was the first to arrive. Kevin's front door was open, but no one answered the bell. Sam and Chris arrived a few minutes later. They had no greater luck getting an answer at the door than I had. We called Kevin's cell phone and discovered that he and Abhay were some ten to fifteen minutes away still. So the door was open and absolutely nobody was home. It was uncomfortable waiting in an empty house, so we waited on the porch. After an hour or two of talking about old times and our current occupations, we went for a short hike at the quicksilver mines. Kevin did not spend quite as much time in the hills with us, and hadn't heard all the old stories yet. It was good to hear them being told by someone else for a change. They seem more real that way. From there we went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. More stories were told during dinner. After dinner we ended up back at Kevin's place for yet more old stories. I hadn't realized how much I miss those guys. I met Sam twenty-two years ago. It doesn't seem like that long. The number seems absurd, but I checked my arithmatic. Chris and I met perhaps twenty or twenty-one years ago. I was in fifth grade when I met Abhay, and Kevin and I met in Jr. High. Chris, Kevin, and I all live in the same city still, and are planning to meet up more often now, perhaps for a good weekend hike in Quicksilver. I'd like to re-establish our old friendship. We all fell back into it quickly enough today. I haven't felt this relaxed at the end of the day in years. Old friends are comfortable friends.


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