Sunday, July 09, 2006


It's a small stupid thing, but it is perhaps an indication of human nature on a base level. jFrog and I took a bit of a bike ride today down the trail to get a bit of food at In-N-Out Burger. It was a fine reason to take a ride, though it likely canceled out any possible gain from the ride itself. jFrog had handed me a bottle of gatorade for the ride, but I had left it on the bike when we stepped inside to eat. When we were on the way out I realized that the bottle was gone. This isn't too surprising, really, but it is interesting. That burger joint is located in one of the most affluent and expensive areas of San Jose. No one at that burger stand is in such dire need of cash that a 60 cent bottle should be a temptation. Likely it was just a crime of opportunity, but it makes me wonder how many people in this world would sucumb to such moral depravity? Certainly it is not a large crime, but where is the line drawn to differentiate large from small? Is it permissible to steal just one bottle if you really needed it? And if that is the case, what if greater need made it necessary to steal a truckload of them? Is that now forgivable? I don't know. It is a silly thing to wonder about, but it does keep me occupied. I'd rather ponder respective morality over some other things happening around me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it was a good samaritan preventing you from fouling your innards with that vile concoction known as "Gatorade"

4:57 AM  
Blogger Ferg said...

When I was a kid I left my bike outside a Carl's Jr, and when I returned someone had stuck a wad of chewing gum on my seat. People can be such assholes.

12:05 AM  

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