Friday, June 09, 2006


I've been a bit distracted lately. A few things have happened that seem appropriate to write about, but I haven't been able to either remember what they are or to actually bring myself to write about them. My nose is healing nicely, if not precisely in the same shape as it once was. I spent a day in very high, very cold water panning for gold during the memorial day weekend. I managed to find quite a bit more than I did the last time, but still far from enough to retire on. There is a book in my possession now that I had been meaning to read for a while. It was/is worth the wait. A letter I have been attempting to write has been mailed. I am not sure how it will be received. It was written to a person I really don't know that well. The first letter is always the most difficult and delicate. It is hard to know what is enough and what is too much. For me, a serious letter is a creation of fire. I do not like to write lightly and that causes problems. Especially if you are writing to a girl who may not be entirely sure of you. As it is, the letter was short and rather bland, but perhaps it will be taken well. I worried about it for far too long. I think the stress was starting to pickle my brain. I kept trying to re-write the letter. I mailed the last imperfect attempt just to settle my wits. All in all, I think it was fairly harmless, though I do think I made one major mistake. In the worst case all that will happen is that I receive no reply. It helps if I keep reminding myself of that. Also, a peacock has moved into the neighborhood and his calls are rather calming. If he lived any closer, they might not be.


Blogger alistaircookie said...

First the turkeys, now the peacock. What's next, the Oogle bird?

10:36 PM  
Blogger CK said...

Peacocks are good. First letters are bad. But for what's it worth, she could not possibly be any more critical of your writing than you are. So it's all uphill. (Or is it downhill? Whichever the good one is)

3:59 PM  

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