Saturday, August 26, 2006

Only one?

This day has seen the annual gathering of my clan. It makes a good party. I always forget how very many cousins I have. This year was perhaps a touch smaller than usual, with two entire branches of the family not represented. This means, of course, that perhaps only thirty adults showed up, not counting the uncountable hoard of children my generation has managed to produce. My sister had (as I expected her to do) managed not to come, but we still brought her two eldest children with us. There were several predictable drunkenings, several very awkward conversations, and an incredible amount of meat eaten. There was an excellent tri-tip, wonderful ribs, succulent turkey, perfection in the form of chicken, a delightful shrimp concoction, and my cousin Tommy's usual magnificent potato concoction. There was more in the form of various salads. I don't eat that stuff, so you'll have to supply your own adjectives. All in all it was a very good party even though it was as calm (relatively, only one cop showed up this time) as it was.


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