Saturday, November 11, 2006


Jeremy might remember a nice little decal on a few cars at the state meet that said something to the effect of "actual size." I have one now, and it doesn't just say something to the effect of "actual size," it actually does say "actual size." I might have to finance its purchase, however. It cost a whole dollar. At the time it seemed like a wise aquisition, but now that I have leisure to really consider it, I believe that it was a completely mindless thing to not to have done.

A most profitable day

The day started at Brightside Yard at eight. It was raining of course. There weren't a whole lot of us and the Train of Lights was fouling the main. Current estimations put this train at 942 feet long. This is huge for a historical volunteer based railroad. Since there was little we could do with so few of us, we tackled some small jobs in the yard. I had the GBAM annual business meeting to attend in Hayward at noon, so I left Brightside at about 11:30. The meeting was good, though due to the weather there were only two Metropolitans there. One was Beth's (hosting the meeting at her house) and the other belonged to Wayne. This is all well and good, but it delays the point of this post. I have an original windshield to place in my met now. I also have two original door panels to either use (unlikely, they are a non-compatible color) or to make patterns from. I was given a steering wheel which may be better than mine (and information about a man who refinishes them with spectacular results), two bumperettes (dented but shiney), and a new license plate holder mount/light combo. Bob of course (not me) was very helpful in the whole "how the hell do I do that" department. After the meeting ended there was enough time left in the day to head back to Brightside to finish the days work.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I've invited a few friends over this evening. Festivities were to start at eight. It is now twenty past nine. There was time enough after I got home (rather later than I wanted to) to pick up the house, vacuum the house, take the ash from the stove, and light a ripping good fire. Now that the house is quite a bit warmer than I am used to (it is now 60 degrees in here) no one is here. But! I did get two books I had ordered from ebay. One is a volume I once borrowed, but had to give back before I had gotten to the end. It is an analysis of ancient engineering techniques grouped by culture. The other is a look at the development and impact of science on society in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It sounded interesting.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Future update

Or rather, an update concerning current facts. I still maintain that the future doesn't exist and none of us will ever get there. Prove me wrong. Anyway...some of you may be aware that I have been attempting for a while now to enrole in the Revere Academy without much success. The first time I attempted it, the class I had to take was full. The second time I sent in my regestration information, I received no reply. Considering that the last time I gave out credit information online without getting a response someone cleaned out my bank account, I was a bit nervous. I called the Academy and inquired as to the state of my registration. They said they would get back to me. Five days later, I had still to hear from them. So I called again. This time they said the registrar was sick. Again I left my contact information. This time they did call me back. They claimed that after updating their spam-blockers they received no online applications. It seems they were viewed as spam. At that particular moment in time I was in my car driving and could not safely access my wallet and the credit card therein. I had to call them back. Once I had reached work and a telephone that didn't involve motive power, I returned the call. Saints be praised. They still had an opening (I would have enjoyed the call more if they had not [I like a good fight]) and I filled it. All is well. We now return to our previously scheduled program.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


It has been found! I will be able not only see it, but also take it home next Saturday. This, for those of you who are not aware, is the last part needed to actually drive the metropolitan around legally. I still need to purchase the rubber glass channel to hold it in, but that is a small thing. Sometime in the next few days I will take care of that. Also, I just bought two bumper brackets to attach my front bumper and remove it from the garage floor where it is collecting dust.