Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Future update

Or rather, an update concerning current facts. I still maintain that the future doesn't exist and none of us will ever get there. Prove me wrong. Anyway...some of you may be aware that I have been attempting for a while now to enrole in the Revere Academy without much success. The first time I attempted it, the class I had to take was full. The second time I sent in my regestration information, I received no reply. Considering that the last time I gave out credit information online without getting a response someone cleaned out my bank account, I was a bit nervous. I called the Academy and inquired as to the state of my registration. They said they would get back to me. Five days later, I had still to hear from them. So I called again. This time they said the registrar was sick. Again I left my contact information. This time they did call me back. They claimed that after updating their spam-blockers they received no online applications. It seems they were viewed as spam. At that particular moment in time I was in my car driving and could not safely access my wallet and the credit card therein. I had to call them back. Once I had reached work and a telephone that didn't involve motive power, I returned the call. Saints be praised. They still had an opening (I would have enjoyed the call more if they had not [I like a good fight]) and I filled it. All is well. We now return to our previously scheduled program.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm! well, congratulations.

1:33 PM  

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