Sunday, November 05, 2006


It has been found! I will be able not only see it, but also take it home next Saturday. This, for those of you who are not aware, is the last part needed to actually drive the metropolitan around legally. I still need to purchase the rubber glass channel to hold it in, but that is a small thing. Sometime in the next few days I will take care of that. Also, I just bought two bumper brackets to attach my front bumper and remove it from the garage floor where it is collecting dust.


Blogger alistaircookie said...

Oh Frabjous Day! Soon we shall see Bob puttering away in the Met, to and fro. I applaud his good fortune.

Although I am wary of the retribution that Lady Luck may be waiting to dole out. His nose will not soon forget her last punishment.

10:14 PM  

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