Friday, October 27, 2006

Universal balance maintained

Manny has noticed many times over the last few years that I have incredible luck. He has also noted that I tend to balance it with amazing turns of fortune. Which is to say: what goes up, must come down. I seem to be on the reverse at the moment. The last few days have been very good. So. What comes next? I'll tell you. My Oracle gets left behind at work. For those of you who are not aware, work is the better part of 40 miles from home. This means that I have an almost 80 mile round trip to go get it. There are places (NCRy) to be rather early in the morning. Sleep is in short supply anyway without the needful drive. We may further complicate matters by realizing that I only have one of the two keys necessary to actually get into the shop once I arrive there. Crap. The shop does not open until 10 tomorrow morning. I am to be at Brightside Yard at 8. Crap. All is not lost however. Remembering that I live in a place with no garbage service, I go rooting through the trash that does not burn or recycle. I found three old bottles of the long acting insulin I need to take. The good, full, clean bottle was the last in the box, very carefully stored in my Oracle case at work. I managed to salvage 2/3 of a dose out of the old bottles. Then of course, I had to inject this concoction. Those of you whom know me well know that I have an inexplicable fear of needles. I use a fantastic little device to aid me with my injections. That too, was left at work. I had to do it by hand. It is a repellant thing, feeling a foreign object sliding into your flesh, slowly parting the human fibers to leave some strange unwelcome substance behind. It makes me turn green just thinking about it. Done is done, however. If nothing else is gained from this, at least I know that I am actually capable of taking a needle in hand and plunging it into myself. After dealing with this, I checked my email to find that PG&E had sent me my bill. This is not good. See for yourself:

PG&E energy statement (e-Bills) information

Amount Due: $-24.72
Due Date: October 26, 2006

It is not possible that they owe me money. This means that any moment now a falling meteorite is going to come careening out of the heavens and crack my bean wide open. I am reasonably sure this is one of the signs of the apocalypse. Sometime tomorrow PG&E is going to discover their mistake and move the decimal two places to the right and reverse the - to +.


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