Sunday, July 23, 2006

Heat says it is 108 outside right now. I'd believe it. Last week I had planned to take a bit of a hike with Manny. We decided to cancel in order to stay alive. Instead of hiking, I meant to take the day and play a few video games. Then the power went out. The heat made it hard to think of an alternative. But wait! There is cold water in the shower! So I took one. A long cold shower. I really didn't want to get out, so I took the time to clean the shower under a nice stream of cold water. Maybe I will repeat the process later. One's bathroom can never be too clean.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

This is dumb, but I laugh


It's a small stupid thing, but it is perhaps an indication of human nature on a base level. jFrog and I took a bit of a bike ride today down the trail to get a bit of food at In-N-Out Burger. It was a fine reason to take a ride, though it likely canceled out any possible gain from the ride itself. jFrog had handed me a bottle of gatorade for the ride, but I had left it on the bike when we stepped inside to eat. When we were on the way out I realized that the bottle was gone. This isn't too surprising, really, but it is interesting. That burger joint is located in one of the most affluent and expensive areas of San Jose. No one at that burger stand is in such dire need of cash that a 60 cent bottle should be a temptation. Likely it was just a crime of opportunity, but it makes me wonder how many people in this world would sucumb to such moral depravity? Certainly it is not a large crime, but where is the line drawn to differentiate large from small? Is it permissible to steal just one bottle if you really needed it? And if that is the case, what if greater need made it necessary to steal a truckload of them? Is that now forgivable? I don't know. It is a silly thing to wonder about, but it does keep me occupied. I'd rather ponder respective morality over some other things happening around me.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Ebay can be both a wonderful device for the procurement of ones goals, or as an irritating foil to ones advancement. The mail yielded a set of wheel hub roundel stickers for my '80 BMW 320is today. The old ones were chipped and faded, not to mention 26 years old. In addition to those magnificent little stickers, ebay stuck me with a stupid audio book on cassette tape that I did not realize was not the actual soft-cover. I was surprised at how cheap the title was selling for when I bought it. Then came the dawning realization that I am an idiot. It really pays to read all the small print on an auction. Granted, I am only out six buck with shipping, but that six bucks might have been an actual readable book instead of unwanted crap. Sometime tomorrow another auction is coming due. My hip sockets have worked as a fairly accurate barometer for as long as I can recall due to my once having dislocated them. Changes in barometric pressure equal pain. Curiosity has lead me into thinking about finding an actual barometer to compare with my internal findings. Throw into the mix the fact that I do not like new fangled modern equipment when a more elegant old-fashioned device will serve as well. I am bidding on an antique weather glass barometer. I expect to get it for cheap due to the fact that it has been grouped with a hideous ceramic bird figurine. The last time I looked I still had the winning bid at fifty cents.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Any number of things have begun lately that would have made decent posts, but my mind has been too far away to write them. It's certainly still true now, but guilt at leaving this page blank for so many days has been bothering me. A pensive mood has overtaken me these last few weeks. There is a feel of waiting in the air. By now, the cause has been found and mostly investigated, but the feeling will likely continue until I either find the natural conclusion, or until I find something else to obsess over. I also very much want to get into contact with several elusive people, but they are compellingly absent just now. I grow tired of impossible temptation.