Thursday, December 27, 2007


Now that Christmas and Boxing Day are past, it is time to take inventory in the shop. Mostly this means combat with heavily armed numbers in an unfortunately crowed urban setting. Case in point: I nearly lost my own life today in a misfortunate blunder. There I was, clipboard in hand, pen tucked safely behind my ear, running from one end of the shop to the other in a hopeless effort to save humanity from an untimely destruction by getting the computer to jive with reality, when I almost collided with a little girl petting a puppy. Of all the unforgivable war crimes possible in the inventory season, I cannot think of a more unforgivable sin than to kick the very personification of innocence. Perhaps tomorrow I will try to bump off a busload of nuns. Either that or I slow down and watch where I put my feet.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The new job

is rather interesting. I could not have predicted any of it. My first project was to draw out a bit of fine silver wire into six gauge half-round. That was simple enough. Then they handed me a dog collar and asked me to bezel set sixteen stones in sterling on it. Ten mother of pearl cabs, and six tiger's eye cabs. What next? Who knows? They tell me these projects are fairly common.