Sunday, March 26, 2006


This day has seen a new gasket between the exhaust manifold and the tailpipe of the BMW. This replaces the nothing that was there this morning. The day has also cut all the grasses within reach of my extension cord. I need a longer one. Also Sunday is baking a loaf of bread of a kind never tryed before. Not only bread is baking, but muffins, too. Blueberry muffins. Dinner was a nice plate of sausage scrambled into a few eggs. The living room managed to get vacuumed, though the kitchen still needs to be finished. An email message that needed sending was sent. Ashes were shoveled out of the stove and spread in the overly tall weeds of my garden. (anyone with suggestions of good, safe, legal ways to rid me of the grass is welcome) The day was good and productive, but not long enough. There was a concert that I am sad to have missed. The day was too short for me to find a way to get the wheelhorse into the garden for to weed. The rototiller is still in the barn not being used. Video games were not played. The hall bathroom is still filthy. Dishes are still sitting in the sink. More time in the day would have been nice. A book was also read. Or rather, part of it.


Blogger CK said...

Productive days are so fulfilling, but I still wrestle with my instinct that life is about getting out of as much work as possible. It just ain't so, though. I envy your fresh-baked bread and muffins. Please report on their outcome.

8:42 AM  

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