Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm having a thought

I heard a person once say they had an "Irish accent." I like a nice Irish accent. Then the thought crossed my mind that one cannot say they have an accent due to a problem in persepective. An accent is only something one notices on another person. It is a way of saying "that person is different than I." We ourselves can only look out from the place we happen to be standing to see things different outside us. From within, all is as we expect it to be, as we know ourselves best. I think that we as individuals look out on the world through a lense made of our own essence. We take ourselves as a base and look out from there, using our own experiences to color what we see. If that is indeed true, then we cannot speak with an accent if our own accent is the way we think of language. Only people foreign to us speak with an accent, and we cannot be foreign to ourselves. We are the centers of our own private universes and our worlds are built to orbit around us. Many people claim that their interest and focus is outside their own person. Honestly, I think that belief only serves to make them more comfortable in their own skin. To think of ourselves first is greedy; to think of others first is noble. But noble to whom? Ultimately, from our own most basic perspective, we think of ourselves first, then expand our world out from there. It pleases us to do so, even if we don't admit it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. I am perfectly capabable of stating that I am in a cave, even if I am not outside to look in at myself. Under your logic I could say that others are outside, but not where or what I am myself. It is that self conscious - the inferred knowledge of oneself that one does not see directly but can nonetheless can determine from clues sprinkled around us - which seperates man from mollusk. Also, mollusks don't wear socks.

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not explain myself well enough perhaps. I am speaking not of physical location but only of our own interpretations of what we view as "right" in others. I also should have stated that I believe we cannot look into ourselves from without due to flawed perspective.

3:40 PM  

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