Thursday, March 02, 2006

Pick-n-pull, more than you think

Beyond being a grand place to find the needful parts for an old car, it is also a place for music. After cracking a BMW open and removing all the wonderful things that fell out, Manny and I were on the way out to the parking lot, when we heard a piano. It sounded very good for any sound system one might ordinarily find in a muddy hole in the ground filled with the rusty old relics of a more poluted time. I looked around and discovered it was coming from a truck, rather than the shed or building I had expected. In fact, it was coming from an upright piano sitting in the back of a beat up old japanese pick-up. The driver was sitting in the back of the truck playing what might have been Bach. In a truck. In a mud puddle. In the middle of no-where.


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