Monday, March 13, 2006


Manny mentioned peanuts the other day in a conversation that I can't remember. Since then I've wanted peanuts. I just bought a tin of the honey roasted variety and noted that the lid says "Planters taste famously fresh." You notice of course that they never directly say that the peanuts are fresh. They just taste that way. Makes me wonder. Peanuts in turn make me think of elephants, and elephants in turn remind me of elephant jokes.

How can you tell the difference between a plum and an elephant?
Plums are purple.

Why do elephants paint the bottoms of their feet yellow?
So they can hide upside-down in bowls of custard.

Why do elephants wear pink shoes?
The white ones show grass stains too easily.

Why do elephants purchase their pink shoes by the crate?
They are cheaper in bulk.

How can you tell if there is an elephant in your icebox?
There are foot-prints in your peanut butter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some posts don't deserve a comment.

7:44 AM  
Blogger alistaircookie said...

More elephant jokes please. My favorite one begins "Why do ducks have flat feet?"

11:49 PM  

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