Monday, January 30, 2006

Shut up, shut up, shut up, oh please why won't you just shut up

Disney (whom I usually like) put a crappy radio commercial on the air that likely makes people and small furry animals chunder involuntarily. This is bad. I hate that commercial. What is worse is that they took it off the air and re-cast it to make it "better" or at least more palatable to the poor sporks that listen seriously to what the radio tells them. They replaced one tone-deaf moron with another that sounds like one of those customers I generally want to stuff into a blender. The new commercial guy at least is in tune, but I still can't stand the commercial. End transmission.

One day, hopefully

This 1959 AMC Metropolitan has the same color, trim, and options as my 1960. Mine just happens to be still in the "heap" stage. One day, I want mine to look like this. I doubt I'll get mine looking this good, but I'll certainly give it a go.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Simmering fragrance
Laughter drifts from the next room
Gumbo in a pot

Gumbo feed

For those of you who are interested and whom I do not dislike, the Gumbo feed is scheduled for this Saturday, the 28th at Manny's place in Fremont. I have the frozen carcass of a christmas turkey to boil down, plus five pounds of Andouille sausage (fresh from the factory what makes it), two pounds of shrimp and several crabs. I intend to throw them all into a big pot with a bunch of okra (in addition to all the other cajun goodies) and make our tummies happy and full. While I am cooking, I plan to have you all playing an assortment of video-type-games. A good time will be had by all. If you think you ought to be invited, make inquiries at the obvious places.

Monday, January 16, 2006


It seems that I am not only dead, but I was killed by indians.
I am rather amused.


I had a sunny day yesterday to work on my cars. The front brake pads on the BMW went on easily, but the back brake shoes never made it onto the car. One of the wheel cylinders was leaking all over the place on that one side. Of course Kragen's doesn't carry the part. I really wanted to finish my brakes.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Isn't rain wonderful?

I mean, sure we need it, but there are things that have to get done. The car needs new brakes, a new fuel filter and new parking brake cables. I can't do that in the rain. Or perhaps I could. I won't though. Also, the heap needs attention. There is a wiring harness I'd like to install.

A good point

Manny brought an interesting thought to work the other day. It doesn't matter how much time and energy you spend child-proofing your home, they'll still get in anyway.

Holy flaming car bomb, Batman!

Driving to work this week I saw not one, but two different vehicles blow their engines up. They were both trying to merge onto the highway when a giant cloud of white smoke busrt out behind them. Both vehicles kept going for a short way until the now huge cloud of smoke began to turn black. They both pulled onto the shoulder at that point. Fortunately my car runs off magic which is less prone to failure than those science driven automobiles my friends all drive.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Today, the world is a wonderful place

I slept well last night under my self-warming blanket. My magic clock said it was 44 degrees in my room and I did not care. The parts I had ordered from Kragen's came in. My car is running well with the possiblity of running better. Lunch was sushi. At Safeway I saw a fantastic looking goth. I love a nice goth. Dark, elegant and gorgeous. Then I get home and see a trebuchet throwing an upright piano that exploded in glorious fire on impact. Wonderful.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Basking in the infernal warmth of technology

I love Christmas. My dad bought me an electric blanket and one of my many sisters gave me a magic clock that tells the temperature with a wave of the hand. Now I can lie in a nicely toasted bed and see how cold it is in my heatless room. I love it.