Monday, January 30, 2006

Shut up, shut up, shut up, oh please why won't you just shut up

Disney (whom I usually like) put a crappy radio commercial on the air that likely makes people and small furry animals chunder involuntarily. This is bad. I hate that commercial. What is worse is that they took it off the air and re-cast it to make it "better" or at least more palatable to the poor sporks that listen seriously to what the radio tells them. They replaced one tone-deaf moron with another that sounds like one of those customers I generally want to stuff into a blender. The new commercial guy at least is in tune, but I still can't stand the commercial. End transmission.


Blogger CK said...

Can you at least include the transcript so we can chunder sympathetically?

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both commercials include people I'd like to punch inventing new words to "It's a small world"

9:17 AM  

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