Friday, June 12, 2009

A small challenge for the lot of you

For some time now I've been attempting to read the classics. In particular, I'm trying to read all the classic adventure stories that we presume everyone read as a child, even though it seems that few actually did. I'd like to fix that problem. Of course, this being reality, one problem is quickly followed by another. At this moment in time Swiss Family Robinson is almost half read, and quickly moving to the end. What should I read next? I'd like everyone to start suggesting those classic adventures for me. Try though I might, I just can't think of enough titles to keep me busy for long. I know many of them, I just can't recall them just now. Any help you could give me would be appreciated.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Lessons learned and answers pending

My cat just taught me a lesson on how to operate my computer. Some time ago I visited a website on a somewhat regular basis. One day the resolution of that one site went all wonky on me. To this day the resolution of that one page is still odd. I have never been able to determine what happened to it. Today the cat stepped on my computer and the page I was on exploded. It was almost completely impossible read due to the stupid size issues. Every other page retained original size. There were only two possible conclusions that could be drawn from this. Either there is a keyboard command of which I am not aware, or my cat is magic. Upon observation of the cat who was occupied cleaning his bum, I concluded that there must be a keyboard command. After several minutes attempting to locate the general region of the keyboard stepped on and further attempting to deduce any possible key combinations, I found the solution. To confirm, I reset that first page back to its original size, then rested content in the knowledge that I am not a complete failure. Also, where do cats keep their bones when they are not using them?