Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I am the center of my own universe. Perhaps it is not proper to say it quite so bluntly, but the simple truths are sometimes unavoidable. We are all of us confined to linear time and are mostly obliged to live in the now. Linear time grants us an infinity of now, an endless present to do with as we please or are compelled to do. As time passes from yesterday to today, we gain our past one moment to the next. Our present exists only for one endless instant, but our past grows with each second that passes. Our past actions and the actions of those around us influence our actions in the present and give them additional meaning. Our personal perspective and our accumulated past lends new meaning to our present and influences our actions in the now. The past affects the present, and present actions that formed from the information provided us from that past catapult us into the future. Now there is irony in the fact that we spend so much of our present and have spent so much of our past worrying about and considering a future that has no physical existence. The future has not happened and never will. We cannot leave the now. Our future is only potential. We work towards our goals in the hope that they may become our present. As such, we are gifted with the rare ability to look forward out of the endless present into a land of pure fabrication. The future is made of what we desire or what we may fear. It may also be made of reality, but reality itself is bound to individual perception. As humans, it is not within our reach to effect change to the past, so we cannot manipulate physical reality once it has manifest, but we may perceive it from our individual perspective. We can only interpret the present reality by extrapolating out from our past. If this is true, then the only truths we may be sure of are those that we see, witness, or experience first hand. So. All one can be sure of is what one sees, and reality and time itself are functions of our own linear existence and limited perspective. As such, I am terrified that when I leave the room, all my friends will cease to exist. I know that this isn’t the way things work, but then, all the logical thought in the world can’t trump perception. Truth is only truth if we place ourselves in the proper place for it to appear so. Maybe this is the reason that I am afraid of the dark. If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. The world itself winks out of existence every night when I go to sleep. Sorry about that; its nothing personal.