Thursday, December 01, 2005

Time travel is not only possible, I'm doing it now

I had an interesting night last night. I needed to buy water. Lots of water. Twenty gallons. Why did I need to buy so much? Because the house water is poison. So, I went to buy water. I work late on Tuesday nights so it was after ten when I got the water store. Its late and I am tired and the stupid water machine won't give me water. It says it wants to get paid for making water. What's more is that it will only take payment in ones or pocket change. All I have is a five. Note that five dollars will not make twenty gallons of water at a rate of $0.45 a gallon. Well crap, says I. But wait! I am smart! I need bread and there is an Albertsons next door! I will buy bread and get cash (change, glorious change!) back! Misfortunately there are no cashiers working, only one of those stupid self-checkout lanes. It says cash back though! I plug in my card and ask for cash back and it gives me a ten. This does me no good if the uppity water machine wants ones. I got no water that night. I did, however, see an old pal of mine from years past. I called him by name, walked up and shook his hand and introduced myself to be sure he remembered me. I almost didn't recognise him. A while later I started thinking that I might have had his first name wrong. He didn't say anything about it, but then, he was always the quiet sort. I felt bad until I realised that I did use the right name. It had been a number of years since I last saw him and time dulls memory. It is hard to look back into the past from the present and get all the details exactly right. Almost impossible really. Our current thoughts alter and blur past truths to make them more palatable in the now. This is not possible in the future. There can be no incorrect future as it is in flux, changing with each and every action in the now. If this is true and we are always moving toward that future, then travel forward in time should be much easier than travel back in time. Never mind the fact that we will never leave the now. There is no set form for the future so it can be anything we think it will be or could be. Take a time machine and step forward for the first time and record what you see. Now travel back. Now travel forward to that same instant. The fact that you had already been there in your past must have shifted something, thus making this future different. One cannot do this with the past. One must know all details in order to travel to the past because all details are set and cannot be changed once they have happened. There is no room for error. I declare that time travel is possible but since we will never leave now to see then without then still being now, there really is not much point.


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