Monday, November 28, 2005

Is this thing on?

If all the world were paper
And all the seas were ink
And all the trees were bread and cheese
Then what would we do for drink?

I readily admit that I did not write that, but I still want answers. Go then, do my bidding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never fear, there can never be too much cheese in the world! In fact from what I hear even my jokes are made of cheese. But I digress. If you truly need drink in this strange world I would begin taking a swordfish from any ink filled ocean. Why a swordfish? I’m glad you asked. If you didn’t I will tell you anyways. After gently squeezing the fish to remove excess ink I would draw a fire pit, some firewood, an accelerant of some kind, and a pack of matches. I should take a moment and remind you. YOU NEED TO DRAW A FIREPIT! Otherwise you will burn down the whole world which is not a good thing. Once you have drawn the essentials, light your fire. Using the heat generated from this melt down the cheese into a liquidly goo and BAM!!! You have the drink of the gods. But you can’t do this to bread, or else.

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zLog the incandescent appears to be the sad victim of aplhabetical order - which the rLog uses to bring order to the madness which is my list of links. Yes, zLog the incandescent - were it rated by the length of ones name would be found near the top. Instead it languishes down after sleeping in airports, madame sexy, and soondoo the florificant.

8:48 PM  

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