Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Haiku II

I have a good bit of my haiku written on things around the shop, but hardly anyone ever sees them. I change that here.

Violin sound-post
Frustration in a small space
Keeps falling over.

Swimming brown fuzz-duck
Australian platypus
Smaller than we think.

Putrid clarinet
Smell removes stomach contents
Birds fall from the sky.

There is much more, of course. I intend to drive you all nuts with it. Haiku is entirely too elegant and too easy. Be glad I don't write limericks.


Blogger CK said...

That was beautiful. Write more about violins!

8:56 AM  
Blogger alistaircookie said...

I am partial to the extraordinarily apt platypus alias "fuzz-duck". Fantastic.

4:42 AM  

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